Can you test for autism when pregnant? Can Early Detection Help?

Can you test for autism when pregnant

Can you test for autism during pregnancy? No, Autism cannot be diagnosed before birth, but genetic tests and early screenings can assess the risk. This blog will cover genetic testing, autism risk factors, signs during pregnancy, and the role of early intervention in supporting your child’s development.

Can Autism Be Diagnosed Before Birth?

Currently, autism cannot be diagnosed before birth. A formal diagnosis is based on post-birth developmental assessments, where signs of autism, such as delays in communication, social skills, and behaviour, become more apparent.

However, while we cannot diagnose autism prenatally, certain tests can help assess autism risk during pregnancy.

Here’s what you need to know about these tests:

  • Developmental Signs: Autism is usually diagnosed after 2 years of age when children do not meet expected developmental milestones.
  • Genetic Testing: While genetic tests can identify risk factors associated with autism, they do not confirm a diagnosis. More than 100 genes have been linked to autism, but their presence does not guarantee the condition will develop.

Prenatal Tests for Autism Risk:

Prenatal TestWhat It DoesLimitations
Prenatal UltrasoundMay identify anatomical differences in the head, heart, or kidneys that could suggest an increased risk for autism.Cannot confirm autism, only indicates risk.
Chromosomal MicroarrayDetects small genetic changes linked to autism.Does not provide a definitive diagnosis, only indicates a higher likelihood.
Blood TestsStudies metabolites to assess autism risk, showing promising results.Still under research and needs further studies for reliability.

These tests provide insights into the risk of autism but cannot diagnose it before birth. Early intervention after birth remains crucial for improving outcomes.

What Are The Signs Of Autism During Pregnancy?

While autism cannot be diagnosed during pregnancy, certain factors may increase the likelihood of a child being born with autism. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Family History: Siblings of children with autism have a higher risk, with around 1 in 5 being diagnosed.
  • Parental Age: Older fathers, especially those over 40, have a slightly increased risk of having a child with autism.
  • Genetic Conditions: Conditions like Fragile X syndrome and other genetic disorders can raise autism risk.
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to toxins, infections, or conditions like gestational diabetes may also play a role in autism development.
  • Maternal Health: Obesity and gestational diabetes during pregnancy are linked to higher autism risk.
  • Premature Birth: Babies born prematurely or with low birth weight may have an increased risk of autism.

These factors can increase the likelihood, but they don’t guarantee autism.

What Genetic Tests Are Available for Autism?

Genetic testing can help assess the risk of autism by identifying genetic conditions linked to the disorder. However, it’s important to note that genetic testing cannot diagnose autism. Here’s a breakdown of the main tests available:

Test TypeWhat It DoesLimitations
Genetic ScreeningsIdentifies genetic risk factors for autism, such as fragile X syndrome.Cannot diagnose autism, only identifies increased risk.
Whole-Exome SequencingExamines the entire protein-coding region of DNA to detect genetic mutations linked to autism.Limited in prenatal testing, doesn’t guarantee a diagnosis.
Chromosomal MicroarrayDetects small chromosomal changes that may be related to autism.Cannot confirm autism, identifies potential genetic abnormalities.

What Are Some Signs That My Child Has Autism?

Identifying early signs of autism is important for getting the right support. Here are some common signs that may suggest a child has autism:

  • Language Delays: Children with autism often have delayed speech or may struggle to communicate. They might have difficulty forming sentences, or their speech might seem repetitive.
  • Social Interaction Challenges: Kids with autism may avoid eye contact, struggle to understand social cues, or find it hard to connect with others. They may prefer playing alone or seem uninterested in social activities.
  • Repetitive Behaviours: Many children with autism engage in repetitive actions like hand-flapping, rocking, or becoming fixated on specific toys or routines.
  • Resistance to Change: Children with autism may become upset or anxious when there are changes in routine or environment, showing resistance to new situations.

While these early signs of autism can be noticeable from an early age, a diagnosis usually happens later when the child is older, often after two years, when signs become more evident.

For further understanding, learn about the difference between autism and learning disabilities. If you notice developmental delays in your child, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for an autism screening.

What Should I Do If My Child Shows Signs of Autism? Early Intervention and Beyond

If your child shows signs of autism, it’s important to act as soon as possible. Early intervention can help children improve communication, social skills, and behaviour. Here’s what you can do:

  • Consult a Paediatrician: If you notice autism signs, talk to your child’s paediatrician. They can conduct a developmental assessment and help decide if an autism screening is needed.
  • Start Early Autism Intervention: The earlier a child gets help, the better. Speech therapy and social skills development can support communication and social interaction.
  • Consider Therapy: Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) teaches positive behaviours and reduces challenging behaviours. It’s commonly used with other therapies like occupational therapy, which can help children with daily tasks.
  • Provide Educational Support: In school, children with autism often need special education or a supportive learning environment. A structured classroom and individual support can help them engage and learn. Schools can use specific teaching methods to help children with autism succeed.
  • Use Autism Support Services: In the UK, some services provide early intervention and autism therapy. At Metro Care UK, we provide expert autism care with behavioural therapy, speech therapy, and support in a comfortable care home setting.

For ideas on how to engage children with learning disabilities, visit our guide on activities for learning disabilities.

The Future of Autism Testing

Future developments in autism testing could allow for earlier detection of autism risk during pregnancy. Although current tests can’t diagnose autism before birth, advances in genetic research and prenatal autism biomarkers are paving the way for earlier screenings.

  • Genetic Research: Scientists are studying specific genes that may increase autism risk. If successful, this research could lead to prenatal tests that identify risk earlier in pregnancy.
  • Prenatal Biomarkers: Research into prenatal biomarkers, which are biological markers found in blood or amniotic fluid, could provide a non-invasive method to assess autism risk before birth.
  • Non-Invasive Testing: As technology improves, non-invasive tests like blood tests may provide a safer, easier way to detect autism risk early on.

Despite these advances, there are ethical considerations around prenatal testing, such as privacy concerns and the potential for genetic discrimination. 


While autism cannot be diagnosed during pregnancy, there are ways to assess autism risk through genetic testing and prenatal screenings. Recognising the early signs and seeking early intervention is crucial for improving outcomes for your child.

 It’s important to consult with healthcare professionals to discuss your options and get genetic counselling to understand any potential risks. If you’re looking for support, Metro Care UK offers comprehensive autism care services to help your child and family every step of the way. Reach out to us for personalised guidance and support.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the signs of autism on an ultrasound?

Ultrasounds cannot directly detect autism. However, some studies suggest certain anatomical differences in the brain or organs may indicate a higher risk of autism.

What birth month is at risk for autism?

Studies suggest that children born in winter months might have a slightly higher risk of autism. However, the overall risk is influenced by genetics and environmental factors, not birth month.

Can you detect autism before birth in the UK?

No, autism cannot be diagnosed before birth. Prenatal tests can assess genetic risk factors, but a diagnosis is made based on post-birth developmental assessments.